Landscaping Guide For HomeownersLandscaping Guide For Homeowners

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Landscaping Guide For Homeowners

Hello, my name is Justin Malone and on this blog you'll find a lot of useful information about landscaping. When I moved into my newly built home, I didn't even have any grass in my yard, so I had to start from scratch. Before I tackled the project of landscaping my property, I did a large amount of research first. I learned how to plant grass seed, and when the grass started to grow, I researched planting trees. As my yard started taking shape, I planted shrubs and made flower beds. My next landscape project was building a fish pond and I completed it with ease after doing the research. I'm writing this blog as a guide for others who want to do their own landscaping and I hope that it helps you learn how to create a beautiful yard.

Tips To Avoid Winter Lawn Damage

Many people look forward to spring, when the first flowers begin to push up through the soil and the grass finally returns to its green glory. Unfortunately, spring can also reveal some unwelcome surprises when it comes to your lawn. Damaged grass, frost heave, and snow mold are a few problems that can delay the greening of the land. The following tips can help you avoid some major winter issues.

Tip #1: Clean up the debris

One of the worst things for your lawn is to leave dead leaves, branches, and other lawn detritus laying on the grass all winter. This is because the debris can smother the grass and kill it or trap moisture that leads to mold and other fungal issues. Rake thoroughly in fall to prevent this. Depending on your weather, you may also need to rake a few times throughout the winter, as well. Just don't rake when the ground is frozen or if the ground is saturated, as this could damage the lawn.

Tip #2: Skip thaw dethatching

Thatch is the layer of organic matter, mainly made up of old grass blades and stems, that builds up on the soil surface of the lawn. When the layer gets too thick, moisture and nutrients can't seep into the soil. Thatch also plays an important role as a soil mulch and insulator, though. Put off any dethatching until spring. By leaving it in place over winter, the thatch layer helps insulate the ground, which in turn helps prevent frost heave. Heave is bad because it leads to lumps in the lawn. It can also uproot small plants or kill patches of turf grass.

Tip #3: Watch the salt

Ice-melting salts and other chemical concoctions are great for clearing walkways, but they are really tough on the grass. Some types can even render the soil nearly sterile, which makes it all but impossible to grow grass in the area. If you want to avoid dead strips along the edges of your walkways, go light with the ice-melting salts and avoid sprinkling them right on the grass. This way, what small amount of salt does make its way to the lawn will be diluted sufficiently by the snow melt.

Don't despair if damage does occur, though. Often, with prompt care, the lawn can return to its former beauty. For more help in bringing your lawn back to full glory once spring arrives, contact a landscaper at a company like Ironwood Earthcare in your area.