Landscaping Guide For HomeownersLandscaping Guide For Homeowners

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Landscaping Guide For Homeowners

Hello, my name is Justin Malone and on this blog you'll find a lot of useful information about landscaping. When I moved into my newly built home, I didn't even have any grass in my yard, so I had to start from scratch. Before I tackled the project of landscaping my property, I did a large amount of research first. I learned how to plant grass seed, and when the grass started to grow, I researched planting trees. As my yard started taking shape, I planted shrubs and made flower beds. My next landscape project was building a fish pond and I completed it with ease after doing the research. I'm writing this blog as a guide for others who want to do their own landscaping and I hope that it helps you learn how to create a beautiful yard.

Three Essential Strategies For Creating A Low-Maintenance Outdoor Living Space

If you're like most modern homeowners, you love the idea of having a beautifully landscaped outdoor living space. Not only do lush, weed-free lawns and well-kept flowers, trees, and shrubs raise the value of your property, but they make your yard and garden area a highly pleasant place in which to spend time. However, you're probably also very busy, and you may not have many spare moments to spend doing landscaping chores. Fortunately, there are strategies available designed to keep your lawn and garden looking good without having to spend abundant amounts of time and energy on outdoor chores. Following are just three essential strategies for creating a low-maintenance outdoor living space.

Use Native Plants 

Native plants are those that are naturally acclimated to your local climate and soil conditions, and they also possess built-in resistance to local pests and diseases. Growing non-native plants often involves spending lots of time, money, and effort buying them along in an environment they aren't really suited for. Except for in cases of drought, your native plants won't need any extra watering, and you won't have to spend much money or time on fertilizer and pest control. Native plants readily self-seed in flower beds and herb gardens, so you won't even have to mess around much with planting seeds or starts in the spring.

Ask your local landscaper for advice on which plants are native to your area and which ones perform best with minimal care. 

Install Hardscaping

Hardscaping refers to outdoor elements that aren't vegetative. For instance, patios, stepping stones and stone pathways, fountains, statuary, retaining walls, and anything else that isn't lawn, flowers, shrubs, herbs, or trees. Hardscaping adds structure, balance, and texture to your outdoor living space as well as cuts down on the amount of plants you'll need to care for.  Mulch Your Flowerbeds

Mulch is one of the home gardener's best friends. It provides nutrients to the soil, protects plant roots against temperature extremes, and keeps water from evaporating too quickly so you'll be watering less and applying less fertilizer. As an added bonus, mulch also acts as a natural weed deterrent — a thick layer of mulch keeps weed seeds from getting the amount of sun exposure they need in order to germinate. Mulch also adds a decorative aspect to your yard and helps make things looked neat and pulled-together. Please feel free to contact your local residential mulch service for more information on the many uses of mulch.