Landscaping Guide For HomeownersLandscaping Guide For Homeowners

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Landscaping Guide For Homeowners

Hello, my name is Justin Malone and on this blog you'll find a lot of useful information about landscaping. When I moved into my newly built home, I didn't even have any grass in my yard, so I had to start from scratch. Before I tackled the project of landscaping my property, I did a large amount of research first. I learned how to plant grass seed, and when the grass started to grow, I researched planting trees. As my yard started taking shape, I planted shrubs and made flower beds. My next landscape project was building a fish pond and I completed it with ease after doing the research. I'm writing this blog as a guide for others who want to do their own landscaping and I hope that it helps you learn how to create a beautiful yard.

6 Essential Supplies For Arborists

Arborists are a little like doctors for trees. They help maintain the health of trees through responsible trimming and pruning. As part of their job, they must climb very high up in the trees. All aspects of their jobs require specialized equipment. Below are some essential supplies every arborist should invest in.

1. Tree Climbing Harness

One of the most important items of equipment for arborists is the tree climbing harness. The harness keeps you secured to the tree while you climb high up. It protects you from falling accidents. According to experts, a quality tree climbing harness should be able to withstand tension, weight, and pressure.

2. Arborist Climbing Ropes

The climbing ropes are similar pieces of equipment to the harness. You need a variety of ropes to allow you to access different parts of the tree. The type of ropes that work for you depend on your preference. However, you generally want some softness to hold the necessary knots. Look for a variety of ropes as the foundation of your climbing system.

3. Rope Wrench

Another essential supply for your climbing system is the rope wrench. A series of wrenches afford you many more options in how you configure your system than just ropes and cords. You can set up a stationary rope and work the wrench across it under the canopy. Look for a sturdy wrench with a smooth operation.

4. Helmet

You shouldn't get up into a tree's canopy without a helmet. Besides the fear of falling, you don't want branches to hit you on the head as you cut them. An arborist helmet sometimes even features a mesh facemask to protect you from wood chips. The ideal helmet should fit snugly to your head but still feel comfortable.

5. Arborist Boots

One the other end of your body you want similar protections. As with the helmet, arborist boots should be sturdy but comfortable. You also want boots that are durable because you're going to be putting them through their paces. Consider investing in waterproof boots for increased comfort while you're working.

6. Arborist Spikes

Finally, one more piece of equipment that arborists need is a set of spikes. Also called climbers, these spikes provide the leverage for you to ascend the tree. They consist of a metal stirrup and the spike. You use straps to affix them to your boots. You have several lengths from which to choose. Sturdiness is an essential component for a good set of spikes.  

Get yourself outfitted with the necessary arborist supplies with the above pieces as your foundation.